
Validation Documented proof, which provides a high degree of assurance that a process or procedure is suitable to fulfill a specific task.
Verification According to the EU directive 2009/23/EG, balances must be verified if they are used as follows:
  1. in commercial trade when the price of a commodity is determined by weighing
  2. in the manufacture of pharmaceuticals in pharmacies and analysis in pharmaceutical and medical laboratories
  3. for official purposes
  4. in the production of prepackaging
  5. in medical applications
Every balance is tested by the metrological service and stamped with a verification mark. Its accuracy within the framework of permissible standard tolerances is thereby confirmed. EU verification applies to all member states of the EU.
Verification categories of balances Class I – Analytical balance (precision balance)
Class II – precision balance
Class III – industrial scale (commercial scale)
Verification validity for balances Generally 2 years for all verification categories, for control balances generally 1 year, after expiry the balance has to be reverified.
Verification value measure of the verification tolerance, depending on balance, mostly between 1 d and 10 d
Verification value [e] measure of the verification tolerance, depending on balance, mostly between 1 d and 10 d
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