
Percentage determination Example:
reference weight prior to drying: 50g = balance display 100 %. After drying 40 g = balance display 80 % absolute (dry mass) or 20 % relative (humidity).
Permissible ambient temperature measuring errors are possible with readings either side of the limits. With verified balances this is stated on the identification plate.
Piece counting of single pieces when weighing e. g. 10 identical pieces; the reference quantity is 10. The balance automatically indicates the average weight per piece. As from now each loading of identical pieces to be counted will be directly indicated as the quantity of pieces. The following applies: The higher the reference quantity, the higher the counting accuracy.
PRE-TARE ➔ Automatic taring
Proof of compatibility This documents the verification compatibility for combinations of weighing modules such as display devices, load cells and connecting elements.