
Data interface To connect the balance to a printer, PC, network or a second balance. The interfaces available are stated in the model description. Typical interfaces are, for example, RS-232, USB, LAN, DUAL, Digital I/O etc. The interface parameters can be set using the balance.
Density determination One of the main areas of application for laboratory balances is determining densities, e.g. determining the specific weight of liquids and solids. To do this you will need a highly accurate precision balance and a density set.
It is particularly convenient if the balance can calculate and display the density right away. It has become apparent that by means of weigting when in the process of etermining the density of liquids and solids according to
the buoyancy method particularly accurate results can be obtained (Archimedes’ principle).

a) Density determination of liquids: By means of measuring the buoyancy with a glass plummet with known volume immersed in the liquid to be measured

b) Density determination of solid bodies: The sample is weighed once in air (A) and then in an auxiliary liquid of known density (B). The density of the solid (ρ) is calculated as follows:
ρ = A/(A-B) × ρ0

ρ = Density of sample
A = Weight of sample in air
B = Weight of sample in auxiliary liquid
ρ0 = Density of the auxiliary liquid

a) Pre-packaged goods control, whenever a product is sold according to its volume [cm3]. This volume is calculated with weight [g] : density [g/cm3].
b) Materials analysis
c) Density of porous materials

Draught shield Protective device against air movements for very accurate weighing procedures. Required for analytcial and precision balances with readout d ≤ 1 mg.
Dual-range balance the complete weighing range of a balance is divided and starts with Readout d1. Beyond this fine range the Readout d2, usually 2 x d1. The change-over occurs automatically.